Mapping and Reducing Flights: A Haskell Exploration

Mapping and Reducing Flights: A Haskell Exploration

Haskell, a champion of functional programming, offers powerful tools for manipulating data. Two fundamental concepts are "map" and "reduce" (also known as "fold"). Let's see how these work by managing a hypothetical list of airplanes and airfields.


Imagine you're building a basic flight tracker. You have the following data structures:

data Airfield = Airfield { airfieldCode :: String, 
                           airfieldName  :: String } deriving Show

data Airplane = Airplane { planeModel    :: String,
                           airfieldCode  :: String } deriving Show

Beginner Level

1. Mapping: Applying Changes to Every Flight

Let's say you want a list of all airplane models. 'map' is your friend:

airplanes = [Airplane "Boeing 737" "JFK", Airplane "Airbus A320" "LHR"]

planeModels = map planeModel airplanes 
-- Result: ["Boeing 737", "Airbus A320"] 

2. Reduce / Fold: Calculating Total Number of Airfields

Want to know how many unique airfields your planes use? Use 'foldl':

countAirfields :: [Airplane] -> Int
countAirfields planes = length (foldl addAirfield [] airplanes) 

addAirfield :: [String] -> Airplane -> [String]
addAirfield visitedCodes plane = 
    if airfieldCode plane `elem` visitedCodes then visitedCodes
    else airfieldCode plane : visitedCodes  

Advanced Level

1. More Powerful Mapping with Functors

Haskell's Functor class takes mapping to the next level. Let's adjust the destination airfield for every flight:

instance Functor Airplane where
    fmap f (Airplane model code) = Airplane model (f code)

shiftDestination :: String -> String 
shiftDestination code = code ++ "-ALT" -- Example: Changes JFK to JFK-ALT

shiftedPlanes = fmap shiftDestination airplanes 

2. Fold Variations: foldr and Custom Folds

For summing plane capacities (hypothetically):

data Airplane = Airplane { planeModel :: String,
                           airfieldCode :: String,
                           capacity :: Int 
                         } deriving Show

totalCapacity foldFunc planes = foldFunc 0 planes

-- Standard: foldl 
totalCapacityWithFoldl _ plane = capacity plane + acc 

-- Right-associative: foldr
totalCapacityWithFoldr acc plane = acc + capacity plane 


  • This requires basic Haskell knowledge.
  • Consider a library like 'lens' for advanced data manipulation in real projects.
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